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What is Fluid Dynamics?

Our goal is to help your pitcher discover ways to perform much more smoothly, lengthen the stride, engage legs more fully, and enjoy safe and healthy pitching mechanics.Traditional methods encourage “static flexion” and they are anything but fluid; static meaning sudden stops and tightness is forced into the form...flexion often forces one muscle to work against another. There is not another sport where tightness is encouraged in order to create acceleration. It leads to frustration and that familiar feeling among pitchers that they are missing something that could make them so much better. The body feels it is going in several different directions, and they often say that the harder they try the worse it gets.With Fluid Dynamics pitching, the emphasis is on utilizing the female body in the way it was designed so that it can build energy from the ground upward and allow the free flow of energy from the legs to the fingertips. We all know that the best pitchers make it look effortless and they appear to get far more out of the pitch than they put into it. 


For more information about Denny Tincher and Fluid Dynamics click on the logo to the right

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